Client, guest, patron… some useful things to know if you’re having a facial, massage or treatment with us.

menu We keep things simple, from the outside at least. You won’t find much detail in our treatment descriptions so we can create your perfect experience together. However, if there’s something you need to know or want to share in advance please get in touch.

tell us Treatments are all created around you, your achy shoulders, your tired feet… They’re created in our hands using years of experience and quality intuition but don’t be shy - tell us what you want more of, what feels great or what you want us to avoid. Temperature, pressure or if you need a fidget, it’s all adjustable.

health Qualified, insured, well-trained and with a host of skills under our belts. That means if you have any health condition, any concern we’ll have the skills to treat you. Just let us know in advance. Living with cancer or other conditions isn’t an obstacle to having a wonderful time with us.

every We’ve always known that touch doesn’t discriminate and we create a welcoming space for every soul, every body, every face, every foot. We can’t treat anyone under the age of 18.

leave it all behind We’ll happily take your emotional baggage, but please leave luggage, jewellery, other stuff behind (we can’t take responsibility for it whilst attending to your treatment needs). Bring some water.

dress code Relaxed, comfy and easy to slip out of - wear your PJs if you want, so long as you’re as comfortable as can be.

facial prep If you’re having a facial, you’ll get better results if you come make-up and glitter free.

no fun without admin There will be a short form to fill in when you arrive to let us know relevant health info and help us make the right choices in your treatment. We keep it safe and don’t share info. Maybe bring your reading glasses, or your scribe.

nice to bump into you From your second trimester (and let us know on booking how many weeks you’ll be please) we’re able to tweak all treatments to be pregnancy friendly - bring your lovely pillow along to keep you comfy.

booking and cancelling We take payment on booking (it means you won’t forget to come) and do not give refunds for cancelling at anytime, but, we are nice so for extenuating circumstances we might be able to be flexible or rebook you.